Our services
TeleThera provides therapy and psychiatric support in a multitude of ways to get to the root cause of the veterans needs and gather as much data in order to create a optimal plan and treatment for the veteran.
1 on 1 Therapy
Our licensed therapists and psychiatrists are here to work through anything you are personally going through on a 1 on 1 basis to give you the privacy and comfort level to confront your situation.
Group Therapy
Our group therapy has been instrumental in creating an environment where we can have a more informal conversation as a group. Veterans can relate to each others trauma and create a level of unity and support from each other when discussing their situation.
Couples Therapy
Not only do our veterans need therapy, but their spouses in order for there to be a chance of success in the treatment process. We help open the door to a healthy way of communication back at home between couples so both are supportive to each individuals needs.
Family Therapy
Our family therapy focuses on not just the couples, but the children that have been affected and how to help them through the process as well. We bring unity and support to the process along with clear communication so that everyone back home has a voice to what they are feeling and going through as well.