Telehealth and Patient Privacy

TeleThera telehealth Services follows the same HIPAA privacy rules as traditional medical care. The rules are a national standard for how to store and protect health information on our platform that is directly used by VA insurance TriWest. All telehealth staff receive HIPAA security training, so your medical records are confidential. Only authorized providers have access to your data.

How Telehealth Protects Your Data

The internet makes sending data fast and easy, but this convenience comes with an added security risk. That is why TeleThera only uses programs approved by the VA, TriWest and TriCare for telehealth services. Secure connections and data encryption help to protect information during your telehealth sessions. These programs create a safe environment for your medical data and personal information.

Therapy Notes Tele Health Software

Our software used in-house for all data management and insurance claims is currently used by the VA, TriWest and Tricare. This allows us not only to streamline seamlessly, but securely for your protection.

man in gray hoodie sitting on chair in front of silver macbook
man in gray hoodie sitting on chair in front of silver macbook