Mental Health Tele Health for Veterans
Our safe and secure online platform bridges the gap between veterans and licensed therapists from the comfort of their own home, clinic, hospital and even special veteran retreats in nature derived settings.
Not only can we provide therapy and psychiatric services we can also check your heart rate, glucose levels, or blood pressure virtually with your assistance. All health data is confidential, secure, and used only with your consent for your health evaluation and or development program.
Connecting Veterans with Licensed Therapists and Psychiatrists Virtually Throughout all of CA.
Our tele health services offer veterans a first class service when and where they need it. We cut out the burden of travel, scheduling and bring the service directly to you in a timely manner taking into considering your needs asap.
Our hands on approach allows us to focus more time on the patient and the level of care than logistics. Our comprehensive programs allow us to gather more data and in turn build a closer relationship with our veterans for a higher chance of success within treatment.